Reed On...

Friday, July 29, 2011

7 is My Favorite Number...

Right after 6, then 5...4, 3, 2, and 1!!! Taylor and I have SEVEN days until we become husband and wife :D
We are so excited and SO jittery just waiting and waiting and trying to get all of the last minute things done so we can get up on August 5th and not have to worry about anything but making it to the Temple on time. 
My cousin, Josh is getting married today to Katie, who is just so gorgeous and I wish I could see her in wedding gown when they walk out of the temple. 
That is always my favorite part of weddings, (I've never been to a non-LDS one)
the doors swing open and the groom struts out smiling from ear to ear, holding the hand of his beautiful bride, she is flushed and always seems a little nervous like "Did that just happen, is this man really my husband now?! Am I really Mrs. Insert-Name-Here."
They look at one another and then out at everyone before them, clapping and whooping and congratulating. It feels as though they are seeing beautiful colors that only they can see, they are glowing in their joy.
And we can't Wait for our moment!!
In no uncertain terms do we think that marriage will make our life perfect,our whole self, will make all our problems go away and we live a blissful life those temple doors on out.
But we do believe in moments of true joy and we are ready for this one! 
Life is going to get messy with school starting and having to find two new jobs and pay for rent, bills, insurance, gas, grocery, books,tuition,and whatever extra things that we come across.
But we are ready. 
Dating for the last year and a half has not always been easy. Life still had to go on outside our Glowing Bubble of Love and we just had to roll with the punches and keep moving toward our ultimate goal, but dealing with everything that was thrown at us, working through it and trying to smile through it - we just fell in love more and grew closer together in conquering our trials side by side and helping one another through each of our own personal trials.
I am so grateful for Taylor and the strength that he gives to me, the joy and the light and the laughs; he is my Whole World.
7 days! 
7 DAYS!!!


See you at the Wedding!! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hello, Goodbye

So I have been missing in action from the Blogging World for about three months now, let me start back by saying "Hello!" It seems like a whole lifetime has been lived in these last three months; so much has happened!

First, Taylor and I switched our wedding date to August 5th, 2011. We will be sealed at 8:30 a.m. in the Idaho Falls temple, since the Boise temple up and decided to renovate this summer. We are so excited and know that it is a blessing to get to wait a couple of extra months, as hard as it has been.  We have grown closer and stronger together in these last few weeks of having to make new plans and new decisions and stand behind the choices we have made. We feel like we are married already! Then it hits us every night when we have to say goodbye.  But we are only 18 days away from Time and All Eternity. And we can't wait!!

So besides changing the date...I guess not much else has really happened.
Bahaha, did you believe me? Let me give you the quick run down: (p.s. I will do better in the future so I don't have to jam 4 things in at once)


Golden Rod Eggs: A Kunde Family Tradition

Kyle thinking he is a gangster with Tay's Aviators

A Quick Kiss

I found mine first!!! I'm basically a pro at finding Easter Baskets. Don't let anyone tell you they hide it easy for me because I throw a fit if I can't find with in two minutes. So not true. 


Taylor taking a short intermission

Staci is upset because she can't find her basket, she should probably take some lessons from me.

Kyle...being Kyle.

Momma wanting  to find hers

Staci looking....

Taylor found! How sneaky yoy rascally rabbit...



Momma finally found hers too!

Easter 2011

We had a wonderful easter together, but we missded Rach and her beautiful smile - She will be home in just a few days! Her semester is almost over  at BYUI : )

Following Easter, Taylor and I celebrated our One Year Anniversary, April 28th, 2011!

I can't beleive it has been one whole Year...well now it has been 15 months!
Time flies so quickly when you are falling in love ;) 
Taylor took me to Red Lobster for dinner and then to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert, we shared this huge and delicious chocolate piece with chocolatey syrup dripping down the sides...every bite was some sort of heaven.  Jazz music was playing on the restaraunt's porch as we left, Taylor took my hand and spun me toward him and we danced our anniversay away...sigh. Wonderful.

My sister-in-law, Staci threw me a bridal shower! I  only have a few pictures from that:


Most of my family over here in Boise came as well as Rachel and my friend Ashley! We played games that tested my knowledge on Taylor and I can honestly tell you...I passed with flying colors! I missed only 6 out of 22 questions and the six i missed we just ridiculously am I supposed to know his favorite color???
Haha, just kidding : ) I know his fav is Orange.
The question about when he started driving was a trick one if you ask me! Four? I didn't know we were counting the illegal times he drove! ;)

Then Taylor and I hopped into Sammy and headed out to be with Jared before he left for his Mission to Oregon

And that about sums up our last few months...well, with several amazing things left out :) like Taylor and I hiking all day at Jump Creek on June 4th, Babies Daicen, Addison, and Cohen being born, Jared officially becoming a missionary, Taylor and I making head way on our wedding plans, Kyle and Staci moving in with us, Rachel falling in love, Taylor and I getting a flat screen for 60 bucks, getting and apt for that flatscreen and for us ...just to name a few : )

Until next time, goodbye!
